Work at Home Companies

With work at home schemes fast on the rise, work at home companies are cropping up everywhere these days. We find ads of these work at home companies almost anywhere from the street light and telephone pole on your corner to your newspaper and the Internet. The adverts promise anything from real, steady income to instant wealth and quick cash. But are these claims for real? Do these work at home companies really deliver on their promises? For people, especially those who cannot work outside their homes, exercise in wariness must be observed because chances are these work at home companies are nothing but con artists who are out to scam you out of your money. You will notice only too late that many of these work at home companies omit from their ads the fact that you may have to work many hours in order to get the job done and without pay to boot. Some even charge certain fees which they do not disclose beforehand in their ads. Lying by omission – this is how most scams get into the business in the first place. An unperceived number of work at home companies require their applicants to spend their own money to place newspaper ads, make photocopies, or buy envelopes, paper, stamps, and other supplies or equipment which they will need in order to perform their jobs. Sometimes, these work at home companies may even demand that you pay an additional amount for the instructions or “tutorial” software for training so you will be able to do your job properly. What they fail to say however is that this “training” or “instructions” that they speak of is actually available elsewhere, free of charge. Many consumers who have been deceived by the ads ran by these work at home companies have lost thousands of dollars. What’s more, all their time and effort that they invested on the schemes went down the drain. Classic Schemes by Work at Home Companies Here are several types of schemes which work at home companies usually offer: * Medical Billing. This is sometimes called electronic claim processing. The most common pitch that work at home companies use is that there is a “crisis” in the health care system, largely due in part to the degree of paper work that is being handled. They will also tell you that many doctors want to hire someone from the outside who will process claims electronically for them in order to save on money. The job offered by these work at home companies therefore is a position for someone who will handle billing services of the medical community. Such a job supposedly promises a substantial earning for you, but what they fail to mention is that you may have to do most of the selling, including finding clients, start a business, and generate revenues. * Envelope Stuffing. Work at home companies will ask you for a small fee so they can send you the instructions that will tell you how to earn money by stuffing envelopes at home. Later, you’ll find out that the “instructions” are nothing but ads – the same one that you responded to - which they’re going to tell you to send out in order to draw more people into the scam.


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